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  2. Spotwork Professionals FAQ
  3. Getting Started With Spotwork

How to download the Spotwork app and create your profile

Looking for a job? Learn how to download the Spotwork app, create a profile and start applying to jobs.

Spotwork is a fast and easy way to find work. All you have to do is:

  1. Download the app. Find the Google Play or App Store links here.
  2. Sign in using for mobile number and create a profile. 
  3. Start applying to jobs 

Note: Spotwork is a gig app. When you use Spotwork you are working as an independent contractor (you are not a full-time employee). Therefore, it is your responsibility to properly check in and out of every shift in order to be paid correctly. You are also responsible for submitting your taxes. 

How to Create Your Profile

Canadian Users

If you are a user from Canada, follow the instructions below to set up your profile:

  1.  After singing in and selecting 'Create a Profile', Upload a photo of yourself (the photo must clearly show your face and be above your shoulders)

  2. Fill in the empty fields. The more detail the better. 

  3. Submit your ID verification by selecting ' Send ID Verification Email'. You must use an ID that verifies your eligibility to work in Canada (i.e., Social Insurance Number, Canadian Passport, Work or Student Permit, Permanent Residency). 

  4. Enter the email you wish to receive payments via e-transfer. 

  5.  Select your type of eligibility to work in Canada and if you are a student.

  6.  Accept the terms and conditions and select 'complete sign up'

Note: Now that you have completed the sign up process you are ready to apply to jobs. Browse the jobs available via the 'Search' tab located in the bottom menu of the app. Remember, you must complete the requirements for each job in order to apply. These can all be completed in the app. 


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Canadian Users

If you are a user from Canada, follow the instructions below to set up your profile:

United States Users

If you are a user from the United States, follow the instructions below to set up your profile:

  1. After singing in and selecting 'United States', Select 'Create a Profile. Upload a photo of yourself (the photo must clearly show your face and be above your shoulders). 

  2. Fill in the empty fields. The more detail the better. 

  3. Enter your email address.

  4. Complete the ID verification by selecting 'Begin ID Check'.

  5. Upload a photo of your SSN document by selecting 'Upload SSN Photo'.

  6. Enter your direct deposit information by selecting 'Set up Direct Deposit'.

  7. Select to accept that you are working as an independent contract and select 'Complete Sign-up'. 

Note: You will also be invited to sign up to Gigewage. Spotwork uses Gigwage to pay Spotwork Professionals located in the United States fast and securely.

After Completing both your profile and Gigwage, you are ready to begin applying to jobs. Browse the jobs available via the 'Search' tab located in the bottom menu of the app. Remember, you must complete the requirements for each job in order to apply. These can all be completed in the app.
