How to cancel a shift you cannot attend

Learn how to cancel a shift in-app to notify the company and open the shift up to other Professionals

Cancelling a shift you cannot attend is important because it lets the company know that you cannot attend the shift you signed up for and opens the shift up to other Spotwork Professionals who may be interested.

  • Cancelling more than 24 hrs in advance of the shift prevents serious impact to your reliability score
  • Cancelling less than 24 hrs in advance of the shift start time will impact your reliability score and consideration for future shifts
  • Repeated cancellations or not attending a shift without cancelling may result in getting your account temporarily suspended or banned permanently 

How to cancel a shift:

  1. Open the Spotwork app and proceed to the shift you would like to cancel
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the shift page and press the cancel shift button
  3. Confirm that you would like to cancel the shift
    1. If you applied for multiple shifts it will ask you would like to cancel other shifts in the project
    2. If you applied for a shift at a company that requires you to work all shifts, you will be required to cancel all shifts
  4. Shift has been cancelled and will no longer appear on your jobs page